Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gonna Be Gross

As the title says, this is gonna be a gross post.  But since this is truly my only documentation of anything that has happened in our lives, I am going to include this.

So sometime this fall we noticed that Audrey seemed to have developed a wart on the bottom of her big toe.  I saw it and really was not concerned about it at all and just let it go.  Until Audrey started to complain that it was hurting her - and crying about it and not sleeping well cause it was bothering her.  Then I sprang into action.  The pediatrician said that since it was on her foot we should see a podiatrist.  He basically recommended just treating it with over the counter meds.  And seeing him back in 2 weeks to kind of shave the top off....right I said this was gross.  This went on for about 6 weeks.  And instead of it looking better, new warts grew!

Since she was so little, the doctor did not want to freeze it (which he said does not work for plantar warts) or use a laser.  So that left cutting it off.  I will not go into details but let me just say that holding her down while she was hysterically screaming it right up there as one of the worst times in my life.

One little funny did happen during this. As we were driving home from her little procedure I made the comment that I wished that this had happened to me rather than her.  And she replied "No.  I wish it had happened to Bob* rather than either of us."   Bob (whose name I did change in case I ever get to be friends with his mother) is in her class and she says that he is the worst kid in the class.  It really was so funny.

Audrey was super tough and really was only sad and pathetic for just the one day of the procedure - which I thankfully scheduled for a Friday.  By Monday she was ready to go back to school.  And now, I am happy to report, she is wart free!  Unfortunately in an unlucky turn of events it appears that Brooke has a wart on her foot now.  We are apparently gross.

And here are the truly horrible pictures to go along with this post!

Before the procedure.  You can see the big one and then off to the side is a new little one and then up above it is the other new little one.
The morning after - still with the bandage from the doctor - getting ready for a soak in the sink with Epsom salt (the highlight of this whole thing, which Brooke insisted that she do as well....hmmmm perhaps I have solved the mystery of how she was exposed to the virus.)

 So so gross and so so painful looking!  Good thing she is our tough little bear!
All healed and all gone!! Hooray!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, they couldn't just freeze it off? Yikes! Poor thing! My brother used to bring the wart virus home ALL THE TIME. I still have a phobia about feet because of it ;)
