Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Easter til the End of School

I feel like we have settled into a pretty good routine here in our new life.  The girls are really enjoying school - primarily the kids in their class as I am not sure a ton of actual work is being done.  But it is Kindergarten and I think it is great!

I have been volunteering at school - primarily in the library (which they call the LMC) and in Audrey's class.

I have met a group of girls who are all there at pick-up. They are all very nice - seem like a close knit group which makes it a little difficult to squeeze my way in.  They almost all have kids in kindergarten which is nice as well.  I did get invited to go out for one of the girl's birthday and that was a ton of fun! (I am now writing this in July and this group of girls are really the only group of people that I hang out with.  Still trying to work my way in more though!)

It has been a big change to go from a place where we had a bunch of family friends to a place where we have only one family friend (and they are super nice - but we just met them!!) 

School up here got out late (in my opinion) on June 6.  Apparently they had to add 4 days to the school year due to the freezing weather that they had before we got here.  The day before the last day, they had Field Day.  Kindergarteners were assigned to wear yellow.  I volunteered and had Popsicle duty (easiest job!)

 At home before field day.

 Eating popsicles with their favorite Reece (who was in Brooke's class and lives about 10 houses down from us)
 Action shot of Audrey
 Brooke with her teacher Mrs. Yore
Audrey with her teacher Mrs. Alley

 Last day of Kindergarten!!!

 Last day of Kindergarten!!!
 They were so cute walking in that last day!!  They love to dress matching and the last day was no exception. 

After school that day, I picked them up and told them that we were going to a party at the playground.  Little did they know, that the moms had filled up a ton of water balloons and were ready to attack.  It was adorable!  Though they really did not end up that wet as we then let them throw the balloons themselves....I think that I was more soaked than them.

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