Wednesday, November 6, 2013


This year for the girls' activity they selected doing a combo gym and cheerleading class.  They LOVE it. And they have both improved dramatically in just a few months.  Brooke is CONSTANTLY busting out with cartwheels.  Here are pictures of them before their first class:

Then they did a little cheerleading clinic that was put on by the high school and middle school cheerleaders.  It was a Saturday morning followed by them cheering for the first quarter of the high school football game that next Friday.  They were in heaven....absolutely loved it.  So much so that I have just agreed to sign them up for Upward Cheering.  I tried to convince them to do basketball instead but they could not be dissuaded.

Here are the pics from the football game.  They are in the back in all of the pictures as they are the tallest of the pre-k and kindergarten kids.  They are with their friends Lauren and Anna who are both in Brooke's class.

Love Brooke's expression!

I mean so cute!
The kids were divided into groups of 4 and got to make mini-pyramids.  Here is Audrey as the top.
And here is Brooke as the top with the real cheerleaders.  Can you tell that she loves it?


  1. Yep, they indeed like cheering a whole lot! I witnessed both Audrey and Brooke doing lots of cartwheels and headstands. And liking it!

  2. The cuteness! I can't take it. Cheering at the high school game is so cotton candy sweet. Too awesome!
