Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting Ready for Christrmas

 Audrey setting up a little village
 Elfie was a bit more active and crazy this year.  Here he had gotten into some of our leftover Halloween candy.
 The girls before their church Christmas performance.
Audrey doing her speaking part. Each of the girls had two lines - I apparently did not get a photo of Brooke doing either of hers.

Post performance.  I just think they look so grown up here!
 Elfie being mischievous again!

 Me and my friend Mel at her house for a Christmas party.  She's the hostess with the mostest!
 The girls at the party - how cute are we??
 Oh, Elfie - making snow angels in the sugar!
 Not really Christmas related, but Brooke lost her front tooth!!
 Elfie made photocopies of himself!

 My friend Lexi had a party before the Christmas parade.  She had snow delivered!  It was super fun for the kids - and the weather was really cold so it really seemed like Christmas.
 The girls with their friend Landry getting ready to catch candy, beads, and stuffed animals at the parade
Best. Float. Ever!

 Brooke at her class's Christmas party - making gingerbread houses and powdered donut snowmen.
Audrey and her friend Amelia at her class's Christmas party - making reindeer and a gingerbread house

1 comment:

  1. Elfie sure was creative this year! I hope you didn't have to help him make all those Halloween candy wrappers empty! The picture of the girls holding hands in front of the tree is so sweet. And you look GORGEOUS in the picture with your mostest hostess friend!
