Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Best Dinner Conversations Ever

I am so far behind on our blog and it is totally stressing me out-which goes to show you just how nice my life is as a SAHM if this is my biggest stresser.

I like to go chronologically but our dinner last night was so funny that I am throwing caution to the wind and blogging about it now.

To set the scene, I will preface this by sawing the girls were totally amped up last night. Bouncing off the walls as if they had eaten nothing but sugar all day. Just being so darn funny.....which I am fully aware will not really translate into my retelling here. But trust me that it was close to tears rolling down the face funny at the time.

So during our nightly debriefing about school we were asking the girls what they learned about Louisiana, which is the topic they are studying this week. They both remembered that the pelican was the state bird. Audrey described the state flower (magnolia). Then they both started to talk about the state dog - something brown and leopardy. Which I told them was ridiculous. There was no such thing as a state dog. Lots of discussion and a trip to google and it turns out that there is in fact a state dog of Louisiana. Who knew? Other than the people currently learning about it!? ( FYI the dog is the catahoula leopard dog)

So we are all cracked up about that. Then I ask Audrey (cause B had already answered it) "what is the Capitol of the state of Louisiana?" To which she quickly and seriously replied "mom that's easy. It's the state Capitol." Well how to you argue with that?

We then moved on to discussing Brooke's homework - filling up a cookie jar with C words. She and I had come up with 10 words earlier. And all three of us were trying to remember them to tell D. So we are naming them - cat, cup, colors, crown. And then Audrey busts out with (don't read if you don't like crude) Cock. Darren and I almost fell to the floor. Which is exactly how you should react when your kid says something inappropriate that you don't want repeated.

We finally recover and are talking about riding the bus in the morning because A has a dr appointment and was not going to be there. So our of the blue Brooke says "mrs Pad (their bus driver though I really believe her name is pat but they are adamant that it is pad) looks like a vampire". Say what?

Just another night at the Hadden house! And here is a totally non related picture.

1 comment:

  1. Who needs TV with entertainment like that! Now I have to see if Florida has a state dog. If not, I'm nominating Daisy and Berkeley.
