Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pre-Easter Activities

 Brooke decorating our house for Easter....they love to hang things from the chandelier.

For the second time (we missed last year as we were house-hunting during Easter) we made what the girls like to call our Smash Eggs - you hollow out the egg, then dye them, then fill them with birdseed (so they are biodegradable and I don't have to pick up oodles of confetti), and then paint a little glue and tissue paper to cover the hole.  Somehow I have managed to capture every aspect of this activity except the actual smashing of the egg this year.  Hmm.  But here are the cute preparation pictures:

Hunt 1: On good Friday, one of our friends from church, Hollie, had an Easter Egg hunt at her house - technically at the park directly behind her house.  It was a perfect day for it, sunny but still a little cool, and the girls had a great time!

 Audrey working very hard in the egg race!
 Brooke hopping like a champ in the bunny race.
 Hollie trying to organize the kids by age to get ready for the hunt....note that my kids are listening to directions :)
 And they are off!  You can see that it was a very challenging hunt :)
 After the hunt with their friend Lauren

Hunt 2: Our Exxon friends John and Robin had an Easter Egg hunt at their house on Saturday before Easter.  The weather was PERFECT and it was super fun.  I felt like we were in a movie - you know the ones where everyone is hanging out and spontaneous games of kickball, football, and cornhole just happen. 
 My pinterest project for the hunt....turned out adorable, tasted bad.
The kids getting ready for the hunt

 I love this picture of Brooke!
 YESSSS!!!! The perfect egg!
 Audrey is so darn cute!
Jack and Brooke hit the jackpot in the mailbox....I think a parent got lazy distributing eggs!!
 Brooke asking for help reaching an egg that was way up high....if only there was an egg nearby that she could reach.

 Audrey and Jack both look so happy with their loot!
And for a refreshing treat, snowcones after the hunt!

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