Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Oh the things they say and do....

Just a few things that the girls have been doing and saying that I think that I want to remember (and of course some random pictures thrown in for my nonreaders)...

The girls were playing in the tub and had lined up all of their princess bathtoys.  They were discussing that they were going to put them on Facebook.  So I asked them what Facebook was (I mean I thought surely they were talking about something other than THE Facebook) And after giving me what basically was the equivalent of a giant sigh and eye roll, they said "you know mom...on the computer.  We are doing a video for Facebook."  Then at the end of the bath as I was drying off Audrey and Brooke was slipping and sliding in the tub.  Audrey said that she was drying off to be in the shiniest kid contest.  And Brooke replied that she was in the slippiest kid contest (that girl is uber-competitive).  So at this point I am thinking oh that is cute.  Until she followed it up with "and then I am going to take naked pictures of myself and put them on FB for everyone to see." WHAT?!?  I think that I need to have some sort of discussion about computer usage in the very near future!

I know that as parents we mold our kids and frequently push them toward things that we are interested in.  This is true for the girls - see previous competitive comment.  But sadly we have created reality-tv mini-junkies.  They love America's Funniest Videos (that one is D's fault), Dancing with the Stars, American Idol (Audrey LOVES Keith Urban), and our newest addition The Voice (Audrey LOVES Adam - clearly Audrey has fantastic taste!!  Brooke loves Blake.)  I will say that they don't watch all of the episodes.....or as they like to say "each and every one."
 And to show that we don't just sit around in front of the computer and tv, here are the girls getting ready to plant our garden.  Unfortunately we planted it and then the very next two nights the temps dropped down into freezing and it all died!  We have replanted and it seems to be going fine.  It is fun, but it is clear that we really have no idea what we are doing. at. all.  Here is what is planted in that tiny space: strawberries, tomato both regular and cherry, peppers - red, yellow, green and jalapeno, basil, cilantro, zucchini, okra, watermelon, cantaloupe,squash, and carrots.  The squash and carrots are left from the first planting as they were from seeds.  So I think that we are going to have to do some thinning as the plants grow.

The girls continue to play well with each other.  They are really into role playing.  At any moment they are being a mom, dad, baby, dog, big sister, etc to each other, me, or a variety of stuffed animals.  We have lots of variations of the family in our family.  It is always a little confusing to know who exactly they are talking to when you hear them scream Mom!! And frequently I am tasked with watching the babies while they are at "work."  Which is fine....but then I have to give a report to them about what they ate, how they behaved, and what bathroom doings they did during the day!
I dream of Jeannies! The girls in one of their dance costumes with another set of twins from their dance class.  (there are actually 3 sets of twins in the class!)

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