Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kidney Stone

This post is not about the girls, but about big D.  The Thursday of camp, I walked into the bedroom to tell D that we were about to leave for camp and he was balled up in the bed.  So I asked him what was wrong and he said that it felt like he had a kidney stone.  Immediately, I googled kidney stone symptoms and he said yep that seemed right.  But he thought I should go ahead and take the girls to camp and then we would see if he thought he needed to go to the doctor.  It was quite a blessing that the girls had camp all day!

So when I got home from dropping them off (which only took 30 minutes or less) he was a gross sweaty, throwing up mess.  I loaded us up into the van and we immediately went to the ER. Totally worth it!  The admitting nurse when she looked at D said 'you certainly have the kidney stone look!'  They gave him some mega-drugs and suddenly the pain seemed to almost disappear.  They did a scan and it seemed like there was only the one stone - hooray!  And we learned that the super painful part of a kidney stone is the journey from the kidney to the bladder which is the passing part.  Not the passing from the body.  Interesting.

The hospital did wash the stone and sent it home with us.
I tried to take a picture of D in the waiting room of the ER - it is an awful picture but it summarizes the pain and pacing that was going on.
Taking his vitals before the drugs!
And it is out!  D swears that it felt like it was 10 times that size.

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